Examining the Drivers and Barriers of Knowledge Transfer Across Quadruple Helix Collaborations in Sustainable Energy Communities: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective (81193)

Session Information: Economic Management
Session Chair: Clare Rodrigues Fanning

Saturday, 25 May 2024 15:15
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 607
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The Quadruple Helix framework demonstrates how the collective and shared knowledge of stakeholders within the ecosystem (i.e., academia, industry, government, and civil society) can be integrated to foster innovation that can address complex challenges faced by society (Carayannis and Campbell, 2010; González-Martinez, 2021). Sustainable energy communities (SECs) represent one stakeholder within this ecosystem (civil society). Although governments and organisations such as the European Union have promoted the development of SEC’s, little is known concerning how other stakeholders within the ecosystem, specifically SEC’s, can effectively acquire external knowledge and transfer such knowledge (Lombardi, 2019; Riege, 2007). This paper adopts an absorptive capacity perspective (Zahra and George, 2002) to address the following research question:
- What are the drivers and barriers to acquiring and transferring knowledge between SEC’s and other quadruple helix stakeholders? Qualitative methodology was adopted. 50 quadruple helix participants completed semi structured interviews regarding knowledge/experience and perceptions of with renewable energy systems; sustainable energy communities; and quadruple helix stakeholder engagement and communication. Themes were identified per Braun & Clarke (2006) thematic analysis. The results illustrate several drivers to successful knowledge transfer between SEC’s and other helix stakeholders including: policy and government regulations, funding supports, interest and engagement, and the idea of “for good” or “societal purpose”. Several barriers emerged including: Access to information, power, lack of infrastructure, and their voice not being considered. This paper offers new insight into the drivers and barriers associated with knowledge transfer between SEC’s and other helix members.

Amy Fahy, Maynooth University, Ireland
Sadhbh Crean, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Steven McCartney, Maynooth University, Ireland
Clare Rodrigues Fanning, Dublin City University, Ireland
Na Fu, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Fabiano Pallonetto, Maynooth University, ireland

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Amy Fahy is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Maynooth University in Ireland

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00