The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational exchange and academic research.
Virtual presentations afford authors the opportunity to present their research to IAFOR’s far-reaching and international online audience, without time restrictions, distractions or the need to travel. Presenters are invited to create a video of their presentation, which is then uploaded to the official IAFOR Vimeo channel and remains online indefinitely. This is a valuable and impactful way of presenting in its own right, but also an alternative means for those delegates who may be unable to travel to the conference due to financial or political restrictions. The same publishing opportunities apply to virtual presenters, with final papers being included in the ACSS Conference Proceedings.
This video archive is best viewed on a desktop computer with a strong Internet connection.
Perceptions of Prostitution: A Critical Ethnographic Case Study of Rural and Urban Areas in Indonesia
Riswanda, Flinders University, Australia
The Visualisation of News Reports (A Comparative Analysis of Newspapers in Seven Different Countries)
Sandra Veinberg, Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration & Liepaja University, Latvia
Soft System Methodology Approach in Adoption of Information Technology A Case Study of E-Government Implementation in Bandung
Farah Alfanur, Institut Manajemen Telkom, Indonesia
The Roles of ASTV Channel on Political Socialization: A Case Study of ASTV Channel Audiences in Maha SaraKham
Chayanoot Veerasarn, Mahasarakham University, Thailand