ACSS2021 Virtual Presentations

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational exchange and academic research.

Virtual presentations afford authors the opportunity to present their research to IAFOR’s far-reaching and international online audience, without time restrictions, distractions or the need to travel. Presenters are invited to create a video of their presentation, which is then uploaded to the official IAFOR Vimeo channel and remains online indefinitely. This is a valuable and impactful way of presenting in its own right, but also an alternative means for those delegates who may be unable to travel to the conference due to financial or political restrictions. The same publishing opportunities apply to virtual presenters, with final papers being included in the ACSS Conference Proceedings.

 This video archive is best viewed on a desktop computer with a strong Internet connection. 

Aging and Gerontology

“The Elderly” Should Disappear: Not the People, but the Ageist Term
Diana Amundsen, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences

Landscape Compositions and Behaviors in Urban Parks: Evidence from Social Media
Kaowen Chang, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Wenxin Huang, National Chiayi University, Taiwan

Cultural and Media Studies

Traveling Cultural Heritage in the Age of TikTok
Jiaorui Ouyang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Education and Social Welfare

Academic Performance and Attitude of the 21st-Century Learners on Mathematics in the Modern World
Emervic De Pedro, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Philippines

Environmental and Health Sciences

Awareness and Behavior of Students in Higher Education Towards E-waste
Evangeline Enriquez, College of Saint Benilde, Philippines

Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation

Covert Prejudice and Discourses on Otherness During the Refugee Crisis: Α Case Study of the Greek Islands’ Press
Vasiliki-Ioanna Konstantopoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Orestis Didymiotis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Gerasimos Kouzelis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Psychology & Social Psychology

Do You Believe In Magic? Exploring the Cultural Boundaries of Magical Thinking
Zachary Beckstead, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, United States
Banjoe Calma, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, United States
Aurora Augulis Gibby, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, United States
Jonathan Galindo, Brigham Young University - Hawaii, United States

Psychology & Social Psychology

Reflective Practice and Teaching Postgraduate Counselling Students
Ebi Cocodia, Excelsia College, Australia


New Practices in Research: The Effects of the Pandemic in Research Practices of Higher Education
Elsa Catalina Olivas Castellanos, University of Sonora, Mexico
Leonel De Gunther Delgado, University of Sonora, Mexico

Aesthetics, Design

A Brief History of the Chinese Interior During the Early Imperial Times (221 BC-589 AD)
Min-Chia Young, Shu-te University, Taiwan

Aesthetics, Design

Gendering Robots – The Influence of Visual Design on Gender Perception in Robots
Hsiao-Chen You, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Wei-Tsz Hung, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan


A Review on Information Retrieval in the Historical and Digital Humanities Domain
Boyang Zhang, Tampere Universities, Finland

Language, Linguistics

Dementia Patients as Discursively Constructed in Taiwanese Newspapers: Taking United Daily News Samples as Examples
Chin-Hui Chen, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Yan-Hua Huang, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Literature/Literary Studies

A Tale of Difference and Resilience in Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island
Trina Bose, IIT Bhubaneswar, India
Amrita Satapathy, IIT Bhubaneswar, India

Literature/Literary Studies

From Jungles and Rivers: Animals in Malaysian Indigenous Literature in English
Zainor Izat Zainal, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Izzat Najmi Bin Abdullah, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Literature/Literary Studies

Flooding of Lust – A Review of “Norweigian Wood”
Lung Kit Yu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media

A Review on the Technological Innovation in Traditional Musical Instruments: Methodology, Challenges and Public Acceptance
Siti Khodijah Mohd Annuar, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Mohd Kamal Sabran, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media

Retracing Positive Images of the Black: The Racial Reading of The Walking Dead Through its Adaptations
Patra Jumsai Na Ayudhya, Thammasat University, Thailand

Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media

Digital Cultural Communication: Vietnamese Cultural Professionals’ Use of Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Emma Duester, RMIT University, Vietnam

Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication

Rebuild Resilience: Film Communication Within East Asia in the Pre-pandemic, Pandemic, and Post-pandemic Era
Sen Ni, Stanford University, United States

Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication

Indonesia’s Digital Native Perception of the Concept of ‘Privacy’
Retno Hastijanti, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Alfa Layla Ahadina, University of Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication

Patriarchal Misconceptions? Resilient Womanhood in Japanese Television Dramas
Minerva Terrades, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music

‘Peace Comes About in Your Honour’: The Arts, Migration and Reconciliation
Mattia Mantellato, University of Udine, Italy
Antoinette Camilleri Grima, University of Malta, Malta

Teaching and Learning

Strategies of Integration: Challenges and Possibilities in the Online Teaching of Music During the Pandemic
Kris Ho, United International College BNU-HKBU, China
Victor Jose Rodriguez, College of Global Talents, BITZH, China

Teaching and Learning the Arts

Remote Teaching of the Arts in a Time of COVID-19
Ivy Chia, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Sexuality, Gender, Families

Solo Female Thai Backpackers Crossing Borders and Transgressing Boundaries: Myths, Stereotypes and Their Fluid and Multiple Identities
Phrueksa Boondamnoen, Thammasat University, Thailand

Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication

Turkish Dramas and Saudi Female Perceptions of Socio-cultural Values
Merfat Alardawi, King Abdulaziz University KAU, Saudi Arabia
Patrick Brereton, Dublin City University DCU, Ireland
Ayman Bajnaid, King Abdulaziz University KAU, Saudi Arabia

Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media

The Impact of Advergame on Consumer Behavior: Study Among Saudi Consumers
Alaa Hanbazazah, University of King Abdelaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Carlton Reeve, University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Mohammad Abuljadail, University of King Abdelaziz University, Saudi Arabia