Between Arbhorescence and Rhizome: A Deleuzian Analysis of Fandom Culture (78211)
Session Chair: Mario Rodriguez
Monday, 27 May 2024 15:10
Session: Session 4
Room: Room D (Live-Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Deleuze and Guattari’s (1980) ideas of abhorescence and rhizomes have captivated the interest of contemporary posthuman philosophers. The attribution of these ideas, however, to the field of fandom culture remains relatively unexplored. It is intriguing to look at how fans interact with mainstream media to negotiate the power dynamics in fan spaces. Offering insights into the diversity and fluidity of fan communities, this paper examines the interplay between the abhorescent nature and rhizomatic thinking in fandom culture. Fandom culture, in general, has a dynamics that defies the traditional hierarchical structures, which places the author or creator of any text in a superior position, and forms horizontal connections among fans. This makes them suitable to be subjected to a study on rhizomatic thinking. The abhorescent concept proposed by Deleuze could shed light on the forces at play within these cultural spaces. The paper concludes on the note that, despite its birth having abhorescent roots, the fandom culture tends to employ rhizomatic thinking for its further development through participatory culture.
Key Words: Fandom, Deleuze, Rhizomatic Thinking, Abhorescence, Participatory Culture.
Sapphire Mahmood Ahmed, University of Calicut, India
K. Rizwana Sultana, University of Calicut, India
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Sapphire Mahmood Ahmed is a PhD scholar, working at Farook College, Calicut, India. Her area of research includes fan fictions and children's literature. Her recent paper is published in IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities.
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