The Italian Translations of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra (78524)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

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Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra boasts a peculiar typographical and editorial history. Despite the fact that the version contained in the so-called First Folio is “the only authoritative” (Ridley 1954: VII), several variations differentiate the text published in 1623 from the copies that were printed in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. On the one hand, such redactions consisted in the correction of some graphical errors or the adjustment of the lines of the script in order to ‘fit the page’ before printing the book. On the other one, the Shakespearean text was altered following the aesthetic taste of the editors rather than a philological or exegetical reflection. Nevertheless, such copies ineluctably affected the English contemporary editions as well the Italian translations of the selected Roman play that were published from the nineteenth century onwards. The present paper aims to reconstruct the history of both the English and the Italian editions of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, in order to understand how the evolution of both the translation theories and the editorial tendencies have shaped the structure as well the stylistic features of the tragedy, consequently affecting its reception.

Valentina Rossi, eCampus University of Novedrate, Italy

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Valentina Rossi is a University Postdoctoral Fellow or Instructor at eCampus University of Novedrate in Italy

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00