Resonant Circuits: Dissecting Brutalism’s Urban Politics and Aesthetics in Electroacoustic Dimensions (78548)

Session Information: Arts Theory and Criticism
Session Chair: Victor Shin

Sunday, 26 May 2024 15:15
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 603
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This report delves into the intersection of brutalist architecture and electroacoustic music, revealing the urban political and aesthetic narratives embedded in these forms. Originating in the mid-20th century, brutalism is known for its raw materials, stark geometry and exposed concrete, creating a unique sensory and visual impact. Brutalism reflects not only architectural history and cultural context, but also the dynamics of urban political and social change. The report begins with an analysis of the evolution of brutalist architecture, particularly under the rise of neoliberalism and gentrification in urban areas. Because of the social value of its appearance and symbolism, Brutalism is often controversial and seen as a hotbed of social unrest and crime, while challenging traditional aesthetic norms. At the heart of the report is the interweaving of this architectural style with the field of electroacoustic music. By analyzing the works of Ryoji Ikeda, Aoki Takamasa, Zimoun and Pe Lang from the perspective of "sound-based Brutalism", we explore the electronic noise, mechanical rhythm and the originality of Sound materials in the works. Repeatability and how their adherence to minimalism resonated with the aesthetic characteristics of Brutalism. This interdisciplinary exploration aims to uncover the interplay between brutalist architecture and modern sound art, and their collective place in urban culture. Finally, the report argues that an in-depth exploration of the electroacoustic dimension can lead to a new understanding of the role of brutalism in contemporary urban politics and aesthetics, providing a new perspective on the multi-faceted interpretation of urban space.

Yiding Zhang, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Yiding Zhang was born in Wuhan, China. He has been studying Art & Design Dprof, Swansea College of Art, UWTSD. his main research is visual and auditory imagination and self-deformation of boundaries and fields in the post-modern society.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00