Consideration Focused on the Polish-up and Authenticity of Regional Culture Tourism Resources Triggered by the TV Drama (79281)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

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This study is to conduct a consideration of cultural-tourism focused authenticity of regional tourism resources triggered by the TV drama. Cultural-tourism aimed at deepening understanding of the culture through experiences and other activities related to cultural resources. The case study of this study is a support project for reconstruction by the Japan Tourism Agency in 2021. The Noto Peninsula Tourism Association in Ishikawa Prefecture applied for the project and was selected as the main organization. The reason for applying was due to the presence of the traditional Noto culture of "Hanayome-noren". It has also been made into a TV drama. The method adopted in the project was that they created promotional movies collaborating a location of a TV drama, and tourists visit the spot can enjoy to the movies. The reshoot was done by the team that produced the drama and same location. According to Wang (1999), the complicated natures of authenticity in tourism can be classified into objective authenticity, constructive authenticity and existential authenticity. It was used as a framework for the analysis. Then, interviews with relevant stakeholders and considered based on the questionnaire survey of participants in the monitor tour. As a result, it was revealed that positive feelings were created and good effects were brought about even among those who didn’t watch the drama by their visiting and seeing firsthand the scenes where the drama was shot. This study revealed that the presence of drama footage and photographs is more effective for cultural-tourism.

Hirofumi Takeuchi, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00