The Relationship Among Motivation, Burnout and Engagement of Hong Kong Athletic Players: A Preliminary Study (81048)

Session Information: Psychology and Social Psychology
Session Chair: Hsuan-Chieh Feng

Saturday, 25 May 2024 09:55
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 604
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Athletes require a minimum duration of ten years to master their particular sport, and they must possess a considerable degree of engagement and motivation to effectively overcome any setbacks that may come their way. The realm of sports can be quite demanding and athletes often have to contend with various stressors and challenges, such as excessive expectations from parents and coaches, an imbalanced emphasis on sports compared to other aspects of life, and excessive training sessions, all of which contribute to burnout. Research reveals that motivation is self-determined and a strong sense of involvement in sports has a considerable impact in reducing athlete burnout, thereby advancing their psychological well-being and augmenting their performance in athletic endeavours. One of the research gaps is most of the studies that have explored the relationship between motivation, burnout, and engagement in sports are concentrated in Europe, and less research is conducted in Asia. An online survey was conducted and collected from 30 adult participants in a pilot test. It indicated moderate to strong reliability ranging from .53 to .95 among three scales (i.e., motivation, burnout, and engagement). The result showed that intrinsic motivation is negatively correlated with burnout ( r = -.43, p < .05) and positively correlated with engagement ( r = .80, p < .01). It also showed burnout and engagement are negatively correlated ( r = -.58, p < .01). The preliminary findings illustrate the relationship among these factors. The main study will be conducted in March and April.

Ka Hei Siu, Saint Fancis University, Hong Kong
Chih Nuo Grace Chao, Saint Francis University, Hong Kong

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Chih Nuo, Grace Chao is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Saint Fancis University in Hong Kong

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Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00