Exploring the Impact of VR Nostalgic Sandbag Game Experience on the Happiness of the Elderly (81184)
Session Chair: Afra Alshiban
Sunday, 26 May 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
With the trend of aging population in China, the well-being of the elderly has become the focus of social concern, and the rapid development of digital technology has provided a new way of life for the elderly, and Barsasella et al. (2021) showed that Virtual Reality (VR) has a positive effect on the well-being of the elderly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of elderly people's participation in VR nostalgic sandbag game experience on their well-being. Through the VR nostalgic sandbag game (ForeVR Cornhole), elderly people can revisit their childhood memories and understand the effect of nostalgic games on their well-being. In this study, we used questionnaires to collect the happiness level of the participants, and recorded the behaviors and reactions of the elderly during the experience of the VR nostalgic sandbag game through observation, and finally conducted semi-structured interviews to understand the subjective feelings and experiences of the participants on the VR nostalgic sandbag game. As a result of this study, it was found that (1) to understand the subjective feelings of the elderly when using VR and their acceptance of new technology; (2) to record the behaviors of the elderly in the VR nostalgic sandbag game through the observation method, which can enhance and satisfy the quality of life and sense of well-being of the individuals.
Chen Yu-Chi, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Chang-Franw Lee, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
About the Presenter(s)
Chen Yuchi is currently a graduate student in the Industrial Design Department of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology.
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